The New Man with Tripp Lanier
TNM 025: Rob McNamara Pt 2 – What You Need to Know About Mind/Body Nutrition and Exercise
Monday 18 August 2008

How much exercise is required to build strength and feel great?
In part two of our conversation, Rob lays out a simple and straightforward plan to build high-performance strength.
The good news: Rob says we can do it in under 3 hours a week.
Rob highly recommends Shawn Phillips’s new book, “Strength for Life,” as a great resource for getting started on a program like this.
Rob goes on to talk with us about Full Strength, a meal replacement product developed by Shawn Phillips that has been clinically shown to produce positive results in muscle building and fat and cholesterol reduction. A recent clinical study at the University of Oklahoma confirmed the wisdom that went into the production of Full Strength and documented surprisingly positive health benefits to the participants.
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TNM 022: Rob McNamara Pt 1 – What is Strength?
Wednesday 30 July 2008

Are you feeling at your best physically?
Are you looking for that edge to keep you sharp at the workplace and help you handle the intensity of life’s challenges?
If you are like the average man, chances are you have not felt that great since you were in your teens. Not only is our poor physical condition slowing down our bodies, but its slowing down our minds as well.
This week we are talking with Rob McNamera about strength. Strength is the abundance of power. This abundance is true for our muscles as well as our brains, and it affects our performance across the boar
We can increase this abundance with regular strength training.
Listen as Rob breaks down the secrets of strength and shares with us the dire importance of taking care of our bodies.